One of the things I had in mind when I started this blog in February was to hopefully share quality resources with other pastors or interested laypersons. I recently came across a series of lectures downloadable in mp3 format on the Reformation from the ministry of Tom Browning, pastor of the Arlington Presbyterian Church in Arlington, Texas. These are recorded in decent quality, and went right on my iPod. They are apparently the first part of a multi-part series. It covers some of the men who paved the way for the Reformation and then focuses on Luther. Thanks, Tom, for making these available.
Old Truth blogs about being seeker-sensitive. Tim Challies begins a review of the book Is the Reformation Over.
Kevin Jones has a blog called The Reluctant Puritan that looks like it is one of those worth stopping by regularly. I could not find the RSS feed for it, but you can find the site here.
Probably one of the saddest and yet funniest things I've seen in some time is this post about a Texas fundamentalist church that issued trading cards of its staff members. Not only do they have the person's photo on the front, but soul-winning and baptism stats for the previous year are included as well. If I read the article correctly, the church made the particular staff person whose card was "released" during a given week available for autographs on that Sunday. Hat tip to Texas Baptist Underground. It appears that the author of the blog is a recovered militant fundamentalist.
A question for those of you who use news aggregators for blog reading: are you aware of any software that allows you to track comments and responses on other people's blogs? I am currently using FeedDemon, which apparently does not have that capability.
Dodgers Notes: Kim, Ohtani, Miller
6 hours ago
Thanks for the link, Peter. I've updated my site to include my syndication feed. It is
Hey Peter--I have a message for you on my blog about...cereal. :)
Good to see you, by the way.
Good stoff, Peter. I linked to yoor post today. Peace.
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