Which Commentaries?

Whenever I preach or teach a new series, I look for two or three new commentaries on the book I'm going to be working in. There are so many commentaries available, that it is often hard to know which ones are worth investing in. Thankfully, I live close to Westminster Theological Seminary, so I can browse through many of the better commentaries in their excellent bookstore.

There are two books I would highly recommend:

  • Old Testament Commentary Survey by Tremper Longman III (Baker)
  • New Testament Commentary Survey by D.A. Carson (Baker)

In addition, Denver Seminary has a link to recommended books

Anyone know any others from a Conservative Evangelical perspective?

Updated 2/17/05:

I also found this link at the Parableman blog that provides recommended commentaries on several levesls.


Jeremy Pierce said...

There are two other books that I've found somewhat useful. John Glynn's doesn't say much about each one he lists, but he has some pretty comprehensive lists, including forthcoming volumes. David Bauer's includes more content about the ones he highlights, though he often leaves out important ones, and I don't as often agree with the ones he picks as best.