There was some cheating (grin) in that some of us wanted to include our laptops as a volume (filled with Logos/Libronix resources) and also glue multivolume sets together to count as one book. But that's ok. I appreciate the input of the people that posted.
My top 5 would probably be:
A good study Bible (Reformation Study Bible - ESV or Spirit of the Reformation - NIV)
Dictionary of Theology - Roger Ellwell
Christian Theology (Erickson) or Systematic Theology (Grudem)
New Bible Dictionary
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Strongs Concordance
And even I cheated with 6 books. Here are the results (my entries included)
ESV Bible (5)
MacArthur Study Bible
Spirit of the Reformation Study Bible (NIV-Zondervan) - notes very similar to the RSB
BADG & BDB (2)
Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics (Wallace)
Young's Concordance
USB Greek NT
Biblical Hebraica Stuttgartensia
Strongs Concordance
Theological Dictionary of the OT
Theological Dictionary of the NT
Greet & Hebrew Interlinear (2)
Parallel Greek-NASB-ESV (with apologies to a greek prof)
Revell's Bible Dictionary
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (2)
New Dictionary of Biblical Theology (IVP)
Tyndale Bible Dictionary
New Bible Dictionary (IVP)
Introduction & Background
Introduction to the NT (Guthrie)
An Introduction to the OT (Dillard and Longman)
IVP Background & Knowledge Bible Commentary
Commentary Sets
Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
Baker NT Commentary (Hendricksen & Kistemacher)(2)
Bible Exposition Commentary (Wiersbe)
New American Commentary
Tyndale OT Commentaries
Adam Clark's Commentary
Calvin's OT Commentaries
Systematic Theology (Grudem) (2)
Dogmatic Theology (Shedd)
Christian Theology (Ericksen)
Dictionary of Theology (Ellwell)
Individual Commentaries, Etc
Romans (Moo)
Treasury of David (Spurgeon)
Galatians (Luther)
God's Empowering Presence (Fee)
According to Plan (Goldsworthy)
Baxter's Christian Directory
Thanks to all who shared their ideas. We are truly blessed. I can remember being in India a few years ago and showing pastors how to use cross-references and the MacArthur Study Bible. They were overwhelmed with just having those resources.
Let's use them well!!
Dodgers Notes: Kim, Ohtani, Miller
34 minutes ago
I like your book selection. Most of them i have in electronic form. I use E-sword a lot its kinda good.
I enjoyed reading the Pastors selections of books.
As a non pastor I found the following five excellent-
1) Biblical Study: The Book and The Parchments F F Bruce
2) Doctrinal Study: Elemental Theology Bancroft
3) Spirituality: Spiritual Discipline Books Whitney
4) Apologetics: Faith Has Its Reasons Boa/Bowman
5) Historical: Radical Faith Driver
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