. . . but I'm not sure what to do with them. I received about 20 different responses by email and comment, and not everyone stuck to the 5 basic categories that I listed, which is fine. For the most part, if you read the comments here and a comprehensive email sent to me by Malcolm Light that I posted here, you'll get 95% of what was recommended.
It is clear that those who shared their ideas come from a variety of theological backgrounds. That is why in the doctrine category, we had entries ranging from Calvin to Berkhoff to Finney (not a double-play combination that I am aware of).
Most often recommended writers included JI Packer, John Piper, CS Lewis and Jerry Bridges. In the theology category, Wayne Grudem and Millard Erickson's systematics were recommended several times.
The intent of the survey was to suggest books to our congregations that they could use for their own Bible Study and growth. Here is my list:
Bible Background
The New Bible Dictionary
Zondervan Handbook to the Bible
Basic Theology
Bible Doctrine by Wayne Grudem
Moody Handbook of Theology by Paul Enns
Christ and Salvation
Here We Stand by Boice & Stasse
Faith Alone by RC Sproul
Following Christ
The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges
The Practice of Godliness by Jerry Bridges
Knowing God by JI Packer
Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen - just kidding
Home & Vocation
As For Me & My House (Wangerin)
Shepherding A Child's Heart (Tripp)
Age of Opportunity (Tripp)
Thanks for your contributions! You might want to check out the recommended reading list on Mark Dever's 9Marks website as well. Look at the top menu.
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